General Remarks...

Welcome to Lantern Forest

This blog has been created to archive the combined creative efforts of Willoughby Sprig, a folk inspired music duo from Indiana. We invite you to explore and enjoy the blog, and we hope you will check back for new posts and updates.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Progressive Earth: A Very General Overview

-An apology in way of introduction

After having posted some of our older material, we have decided that now is a good time to attempt an explanation of our self-created genre “Progressive Earth.” We had been putting it off because we realized how difficult it was going to be to describe our genre without sounding incredibly dry and going off into long complicated ramblings.

Unfortunately this is still probably in store for you as you further your reading of this post. But have patience please, because learn new things every day!

-A reward in way of opening statement.

We have omitted here our original attempt to describe Progressive Earth in the form of a Socratic dialogue. 

-Progressive Earth

  The term “Progressive Earth” originates from the seemingly simple question “Hey, what kind of music do you guys play?” which was posed to us one innocent morning when we were talking with some friends in the street. We felt that the term “folk,” while encompassing quite a majority of our music did not account for some of its most basic aspects. “Folk Inspired” seemed a more suitable adjective, and we do often use that phrase when describing our music, but all in all it just led to more questions and didn't really give any specific information about the music at all. We wanted something with a good solid noun in it, and agreed upon the phrase “Progressive Earth, which had been suggested by a close friend. 

In accordance with the tradition of any dry and slightly uncomfortable essay, we will go about this description by analyzing Progressive Earth word for word....


  The term “Progressive” was chosen in regards to two aspects of our music; First is a similarity to Progressive Rock and second is the idea that our music consistently represents and reflects our changing interests and projects. Progressive Rock is known to combine elements of classical music, art, experimentation, and folk music, as well as give importance to the instrumental material and harmonic development in a song. We find ourselves approaching our music in a very similar way. As to a reflection and representation of our current interests, our music serves as a way to articulate different aesthetics and images which swim about in our collective, creative juices. (gross)

Another way to convey this relationship between ourselves and our music would be to parallel it  with that of the Symbolist artists and writers. It would be impossible to give here a completely adequate description as to what is classified as “Symbolist.” The identifiable characteristics of the movement are still annoyingly vague and subject to debate among art historians. However, it seems to be agreed upon that in order for a work of art or piece of writing to be classified as “Symbolist,” it needs to convey its subject by indirect methods or means of suggestion. This is how we seek to express the subjects in our music and lyrics as well, through the use of metaphors and reoccurring thematic material.


When questioned about the influences in our music, we used to respond with “Dirt, moss, pine cones, chicken scratch, cave paintings, exotic woods, ancient manuscripts and serifs.” This eventually became grouped under the word “Earth.” We also rehearse in trees. Nature and folklore are a huge influence on the inspiration of our music. That is all. 

-Closing statement.

   So there you are, and such like.    



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